mysql4迁移5_(mysql)从digikam 4. *迁移到5. *时的数据库迁移难度

news/2024/10/4 15:23:02



select * from Images where album not in (select from Albums);

select id, icon from Albums where icon != 0 and icon not in (select id from Images);

select * from Albums where Albums.albumRoot not in (select from AlbumRoots);

select * from ImageHaarMatrix where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImageInformation where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImageMetadata where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from VideoMetadata where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImagePositions where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImageComments where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImageCopyright where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from Tags where pid != 0 and pid not in (select id from Tags);

select id, icon from Tags where icon != 0 and icon not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImageTags where tagid not in (select id from Tags);

select * from ImageTags where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImageProperties where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImageHistory where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImageRelations where subject not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImageRelations where object not in (select id from Images);

select * from ImageTagProperties where imageid not in (select id from Images);

select * from TagProperties where tagid not in (select id from Tags);

select * from ImageTagProperties where tagid not in (select id from Tags);




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